John O’Neill and Paul Spence would like to extend special thanks to the following people and institutions who have helped to make this digital edition possible: The Arts and Humanities Research Council, for their generous support of Out of the Wings, the project within which the research that informed this digital edition was carried out; All Souls College, Oxford, and in particular Gaye Morgan, Assistant Librarian and Conservator of The Codrington Library, for kindly providing, and giving permission for the use of, the images from nn.7.3, Ocho comedias y ocho entremeses nuevos, nunca representados, by Miguel de Cervantes; the team at the Department of Digital Humanities—Elena Pierazzo, Paul Vetch, José Miguel Monteiro Vieira, Bea Caballero, Raffaele Viglianti and Charlotte Tupman—for their advice, assistance, expertise and patience; Catherine Boyle and Julian Weiss, who supervised John O’Neill’s research and provided invaluable advice regarding the form and content of the edition; our colleagues in the Out of the Wings project—David Johnston, Jonathan Thacker, Gwendolen Mackeith, Gwynneth Dowling, Kathleen Jeffs and Janet Morris—for their enthusiastic support of the research; and last, but by no means least, the actors who performed in the premiere of The Diversion at King’s College London in May 2007: Benedikte Faulkner, Hollie Garrett, Lesley Kennedy, and Anna Skye did so much valuable preparatory work with the script, while the remainder of the cast—Michael Baker, Marie Bonnenfant, David Butler, Marion Cadier, Nick Goodchild, Daniel Kelly, David McGrath, Paul Tosio, Huw Thomas, Harry Warman—also made a significant contribution to shaping the translation and the way in which the text was presented in this digital edition.